“SEX is more exciting on the image and between the pages than between the sheets anyway.” - Andy Warhol. The Lure is a pop-up exhibition that focuses on the erotic as subject matter within illustration. Questioning what is at stake in pop cultural productions that blur the boundary between art and pornography, and evaluates the feelings that rise up from within. Join us for a pop up erotica exhibition curated by Vanessa Xu, Mengtai Zhang, Wenyingzhi Zhang and Angie Cui. 在海外的首次展覽,尤其是在充滿藝術氣息的紐約!!!! 今年初Vanessa Xu透過IG看見我的作品,詢問想不想一起參加他們舉辦的情色快閃展,想都不想當然是立馬答應。 Vanessa來自上海目前在紐約讀研究所,她想讓大家正視情色藝術,所以找了多位藝術家聯展﹕Hyde Chang / Lamb Chen / Philippe Grenade XIV / Kevin Hong / Christopher Kerry / Pigo Lin / Tina Lugo / Izzy Marbella / Carmen Pizarro / Mengli Qi / Joey Rex / Vanessa Xu / Zhou Yi,尤其來自美國的Tina Lugo,紐約情色相關藝術創作者是知名的存在。 經費預算有限下,找到了布魯克林非常知名的art shore棉花糖機器cotton candy machine,雖然只有短短的快閃三天而且我也無法到現場參觀,但能讓紐約的朋友們看見我的作品,也是喜事一樁。 |